Round Sound for Concave Surfaces

Max Neuhaus

November 19 - 21, 1976
US Custom House at Bowling Green
Photo © 1976 Ruth Cummings

Presented by Creative Time and NY Landmarks Conservancy, Max Neuhaus presented music in the rotunda of the US Custom House at Bowling Green. The unusual acoustics of the elliptical marble space challenged Neuhaus to create a composition for the space. The space itself is a primary component of the composition which determines the final arrangement of the piece. "I see traditional concert hall acoustics not as an ideal but as one very specific sound situation. I am interested in exploring others, such as the one which will be generated by the curved surfaces of the rotunda and which will be a basis for this work," said Neuhaus.

Sound was a three day event in which Neuhaus exploited the acoustics of the rotunda. The audience heard one fundamental pitch with various overtones circulating around the space via a ring of speakers. It was a constant circular movement. Neuhaus previously created sound environments for swimming pools, parking lots, subway stations, and streets. Neuhaus' project inspired other artists to submit projects to Creative Time which prompted Custom and Culture the following June.

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